A sign with Mittelstation pointing one way and images of people walking
A sign with Mittelstation pointing one way and images of people walking
#branduary #betterbranding #brandingrecap

Branduary, Halfway Recap


A recap of the month of Branduary so far, how's your brand measuring up?

Well, folks, we’re halfway through Branduary here at ThoughtLab, and this seems like the perfect time to do a bit of a recap.

Branduary So Far

We started Branduary with an introduction of sorts, a resolute start to the new year with a focus on branding; this encompassed some basics that are good for beginners as well as seasoned pros. This included:

The strategic embrace

Refresh for seasoned pros

Next, we moved to breaking down some of the elements of branding to make more points more straightforward. For this, we started with brand messaging, and we offered:

Back to basic brand messaging

Next, we moved into brand strategy, a vital component of any brand. For this, we gave you the following:

Brand strategy, the what and why

So far, we have given you some great insights and practical knowledge of what a brand is and why it’s crucial. For some, this may be old hat, but it never hurts to return to basics. Sometimes, as we’ve said, you’ve been doing something or holding on to something, like your brand, for so long that you may forget the what and why of it all, and that’s dangerous. Your brand is your ambassador to the world, and if you’re paying attention to it and making sure it’s connecting to your audience as audiences change, your brand could fall away and be forgotten. That’s why we created Branduary: to put your brand in the forefront of your mind again and give it some attention. Onward we go.

A yellow sign with a curvy arrow indicating a winding road

From brand strategy, we moved to brand purpose, and for that, we gave you the following:

Brand purpose

Nest up is brand positioning, which allowed us ot share this with you:

brand positioning

From here, we moved on to brand personality, which gave us the chance to share this lovely piece:

Significance of brand personality

Next, we introduced brand architecture and organizational identity, which we explained in this article:

Brand architecture

Now, we moved into connection and discussed how vital connection is with your audience and how it helps your brand build a larger, more loyal audience. For this, we have a few articles on offer.

The Importance of Brand Communication

The Power of Connection

And lastly, we looked at truth and transparency, two essential facets of your brand journey, and how truth matters ot building your audience, creating a loyal brand following, and keeping your brand relevant. We also showed you the differences between truth and transparency.

Truth in branding

The Interplay of Branding, Truth and Transparency

Today, we start the week with this little recap and look at rebranding. Today's Branduary offering is:


ThoughtLab Creates Branduary for Brands

That gets us to the halfway mark of the month with plenty of great information about branding and the ins and outs of the whole process. It’s essential to re-examine all this information significantly if your brand is lagging or isn't as strong as it can be.

Branduary isn’t just a play on the month's name; it is a reminder of your brand’s importance to your business. Your brand can be tired and forgotten, overlooked or outdated, and perhaps you haven’t given it the attention it needs. It’s a new year, and the first month of the year is all about your brand.

ThoughtLab knows that keeping an eye on your brand and keeping it relevant is the best way to draw new eyes, which means new business and a wider following. Crafting and maintaining a great brand takes time and attention; Banduary is our reminder.

If you like the information we’re giving you, great! If it helps your brand, even more fabulous! If you’re confused or don’t know how to proceed, talk to ThoughtLab. We are branding experts, and we can help you elevate your brand.

Talk to ThoughtLab, the brand experts.