Close up of a smartphone screen with the definition of design showing
Close up of a smartphone screen with the definition of design showing

Testimonials & Creative Ways to Design a Website's Inner Pages


 Paying attention to the importance of designing inner pages is essential. These pages play a crucial role in engaging users, guiding them through the website, and delivering relevant content.

When it comes to web design, the homepage often receives the most attention. It serves as the virtual front door, welcoming visitors and giving them a glimpse of what the website offers. However, paying attention to the importance of designing inner pages is essential. These pages play a crucial role in engaging users, guiding them through the website, and delivering relevant content. This article will explore creative ways to design a website's inner pages, ensuring a seamless user experience and enhancing overall website aesthetics.

Consistent Branding and Navigation

Consistency is key when it comes to designing inner pages. Ensure that your website's branding elements, such as the logo, color palette, typography, and overall visual style, remain consistent throughout. This consistency reinforces your brand identity and helps users feel more familiar and comfortable navigating different pages. Additionally, maintain a clear and intuitive navigation menu that allows users to easily find their desired content regardless of which inner page they are on.

Unique Layouts and Grids

While the homepage often follows a more structured layout, inner pages allow experimenting with unique layouts and grids. Break away from the traditional grid structure and explore asymmetrical, overlapping, or modular layouts. This creativity can help visually differentiate each page and create a memorable user experience. However, be cautious not to sacrifice usability for the sake of innovation. Ensure that the layout remains intuitive and easy to navigate.

Engaging Typography and Imagery

Typography and imagery are powerful design elements that can significantly enhance the visual appeal of inner pages. Experiment with different fonts, sizes, and styles to create a hierarchy that guides users through the page and highlights vital content. Pair complementary fonts to add visual interest while maintaining readability. Additionally, leverage high-quality and relevant imagery to support your content and evoke the desired emotions. Use images, illustrations, or videos that resonate with your brand and enhance the overall user experience.

Interactive Elements and Microinteractions

To make inner pages more engaging and interactive, incorporate dynamic elements and microinteractions. These small animations or effects can be triggered by user actions and provide feedback, making the browsing experience more enjoyable. For example, use subtle hover effects on buttons, image overlays, or scrolling animations to add a touch of interactivity. However, be mindful not to overwhelm the user with excessive animations, which can be distracting and affect page load times.

Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

a guy in a wet suit surfing

Inner pages should have clear and compelling call-to-actions (CTAs) to guide users toward their intended actions. Whether signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or contacting the business, strategically place visually appealing CTAs throughout the page. Use contrasting colors to make them stand out, and ensure the messaging is concise and action-oriented. Employing persuasive language can further encourage users to take the desired action.

Contextual Content and Personalization

Tailor the content on inner pages to provide a more personalized experience for users. Leverage user data, such as location, browsing history, or preferences, to offer relevant content suggestions. For example, a clothing retailer can display recommendations based on the user's past purchases or browsing behavior. Contextual content and personalization enhance user engagement and strengthen your website's value proposition.

Social Proof and Testimonials

Social proof is a powerful tool to build trust and credibility among users. Incorporate testimonials, customer reviews, or case studies on inner pages to showcase positive experiences and reinforce the value of your products or services. Display social media feeds or integrate social sharing buttons to encourage users to engage and share their experiences with others.

This social validation can significantly impact user decision-making and foster a sense of community amongst users. When individuals receive positive feedback or recognition from their peers, it validates their choices and reinforces their sense of belonging. This validation can create a virtuous cycle where users feel more confident in their decisions, leading to increased engagement and participation within the community.

Additionally, social validation can also serve as a powerful motivator for users to strive for recognition and approval from others, driving them to contribute more actively and consistently. As a result, the sense of community is strengthened as individuals connect and interact with like-minded individuals, sharing experiences, knowledge, and support. Ultimately, social validation plays a crucial role in shaping user behavior, building trust, and fostering a vibrant and thriving community ecosystem.

Let’s look briefly at how to get testimonials.

Getting testimonials

Acquiring testimonials can be a challenge. Let’s explore effective strategies to help you gather compelling testimonials for your website.

Provide Outstanding Customer Service

Exceptional customer service is the foundation for obtaining meaningful testimonials. By consistently delivering an excellent experience, you increase the likelihood of customers sharing their positive feedback willingly. Ensure that your team is trained to respond promptly, address customer concerns, and exceed expectations in every interaction.

Identify Your Most Satisfied Customers

Identify customers who have expressed high satisfaction with your product or service. Look for those who have provided positive feedback or have been loyal to your brand. Reach out to them personally, expressing your gratitude for their support, and kindly ask if they would be willing to share their experience as a testimonial.

Make It Easy for Customers to Submit Testimonials

Streamline the testimonial submission process to encourage more customers to participate. Create a dedicated page on your website where customers can easily submit their testimonials. Include a user-friendly form that captures essential information, such as their name, occupation, location, and a designated space for their testimonial text.

Offer Incentives

A plant next to a sign reading Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations

Sometimes, customers need an extra nudge to provide testimonials. Consider offering incentives, such as discounts, exclusive access to new features, or a small gift as a token of appreciation. However, ensure that the incentives do not compromise the authenticity of the testimonials and make it clear that the incentive is optional.

Leverage Social Media

Utilize the power of social media platforms to gather testimonials. Encourage customers to share their positive experiences by creating engaging posts, asking for feedback, or running contests that require participants to submit testimonials. Monitor your social media channels closely, respond to comments, and reach out to individuals who have expressed satisfaction to request permission to feature their testimonials on your website.

Request Video Testimonials

Video testimonials have a profound impact on potential customers. They add a human touch, allowing visitors to see and hear satisfied customers. Ask your happy customers if they would be comfortable recording a short video testimonial highlighting their positive experiences. Provide them with some guidelines or questions to help structure their video and make the process as convenient as possible.

Follow Up and Remind

Customers are often busy, and their intention to provide a testimonial may need to be revised. Send gentle follow-up reminders to those who have expressed interest but need to submit their testimonials. Be respectful of their time, and avoid overwhelming or pressuring them.

Showcase Testimonials Strategically

Once you have gathered testimonials, displaying them effectively on your website is essential. Create a dedicated section or a separate testimonial page to showcase positive feedback. Display testimonials prominently, ensuring they are easily visible to visitors. Consider using different formats such as text, video, or audio testimonials to cater to other preferences.

Seek Permission and Attribute Testimonials

Respect your customers' privacy and seek permission before featuring their testimonials on your website. Attribute each testimonial to the respective customer, including their name, photo (with consent), and relevant details. Genuine testimonials with real identities are more compelling and trustworthy.

Regularly Update Testimonials

Continuously gather new testimonials to keep your website's content fresh and relevant. Set up a system to regularly request feedback and testimonials from customers. Frequently updating your testimonials demonstrates that your business consistently provides value and exceptional experiences.

Summing Up

By strategically placing testimonials throughout your website, you create a persuasive narrative that entices visitors to take action and convert into loyal customers. Don't underestimate the power of testimonials in driving conversions and establishing a solid online presence. Harness the influence of satisfied customers today and watch your business thrive.

It only makes sense to put the same time, skill, and effort into your site's pages as you do on your landing page. Don't have visitors see a great landing page, and then the quality drops off as they scroll through. Keep it tight from top to bottom, and you’ll find more visitors, staying longer, commenting more, and ultimately engaging in better relationships with your and your brand.

Not sure what to do next? Simple, talk to a great design agency and get the guidance that will let you see further. Talk to the experienced experts at ThoughtLab, and get every page of your site top quality.