Our illustrious owner here at ThoughtLab, Mike Harker, has asked us to help him try out the success of crowd sourcing funding for projects. He’s decided to start with a personal project for his son—who’s arguably the most adorable four-year-old I’ve ever seen—by building a superhero suit for himself and his son to pretend to be crime fighters. Honestly, the overall cost for a real-life super hero suit of movie quality is much higher than we’d imagined, but hey, we’re testing out crowd funding, so why not be honest about it, right?
Mike chose to use Indiegogo.com, which is a pretty amazing site where people can ask other people to donate money for whatever project or cause they want to advertise, and some have been extremely successful. Here at ThoughtLab we’re always interested in trying new things and testing all of the functionality of sites on the web. Go ahead and check out what Mike has put together, and if you support seeing him dressed as a superhero, feel free to donate a dollar or two.